
Write On Time

🔎 The storytelling genius with only 411 subscribers

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader,

I've been having an absolute nightmare with my WiFi this month.

It's fine. It's not like I need it to run my business or anything 😜

If anything, I've loved the experience of living in a house with no WiFi or 4/5G while trying to go about my daily tasks for a whole month.

My stress levels have actually never been lower 👀

Jokes aside, we FINALLY got it sorted this morning, but the knock-on effect on my productivity has been major.

So, to make sure I'm still providing something useful this week (while sneakily saving me some time so my agency + community don't collapse before my very eyes)...

...I'm simply going to share 3 things I think will be invaluable to you as a YouTube writer.

Not sponsored things. Just things I like :)

Learn better storytelling (in a fun way)

My friend Allan has just launched this fab channel dedicated to breaking down storytelling used in TV shows, films and books - and how we can apply this to our own writing.

It's a tiny channel just now, but I really think you'll like it.

Allan works with me on YouTube scriptwriting-y stuff and I love how he thinks about both storytelling and YouTube.

Why has vlogging made a comeback?

"It's like fashion. Each new era is a rejection of the last. But why is it NOW that [vlogging] is coming back as something people enjoy watching?" - Me, Making It, Episode #6

I don't know a lot about vlogging. It wasn't really my scene.

But I wanted to know more about why it's making a comeback in 2023/4... so I asked Jamie and Gwilym on our podcast, Making It.

We also discuss the intersection between scripted and improvised content, and how we approach working on videos that contain both.

In case you missed it...

I spend hours every week reading over YouTube scripts.

But this is one of the most important revelations you'll ever have...

Something to think about on your next script when you're deciding whether to say:

"A periodic instance of chronological progression characterized by the absence of illumination."

Or, simply...

"Night time."

That's all for this week. Got any questions Reader?

You can always reply to these :)

Speak soon,
George 👋

Whenever suits you best, here are some other ways I can help:
  1. 🛠 Download my free YouTube scriptwriting templates.
  2. 🚀 Gain access to The Retention Hub (80+ video reviews across 40+ niches).

Write On Time

by George Blackman

I teach creators how to write more engaging YouTube scripts. We break down video retention, scriptwriting techniques, and I show you examples from the scripts I'm writing for large creators.

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